June 8, 2016

Wendy Leigh - best selling author jumped to her death

Wendy Leigh, the best-selling biographer of Patrick Swayze, Arnold Schwarzenegger, John Kennedy Jr. and other stars committed suicide on Sunday by hopping off the overhang of her London flat overlooking the River Thames.

Leigh, a previous lover of Robert Maxwell, had been distressed subsequent to the passing of her mom in December. Soon after, Leigh was everywhere throughout the news when David Bowie passed on as a result of the disclosures in her 2014 book, "Bowie."

On May 22, Leigh posted on Facebook, "Five months today since my mom Marion kicked the bucket. I wish I could say it gets simpler, yet the fact of the matter is a remarkable converse . . ."

On Sunday, a partner at Britain's Daily Mail, where Leigh had outsourced, said, "It's, extremely miserable. There must be an investigation. Wendy had no family, so no remembrance or memorial service has been arranged yet."

Leigh was said to have broken into news coverage by turning into Maxwell's significant other.

In 2011, 20 years after his demise, Leigh enlightened a TV questioner regarding their first tryst in Geneva, and how Maxwell said to her: “I haven’t brought you here to make love to you, but because I think you’re so interesting.”

Leigh's "Disentangled" erotica series was distributed in 2015, including S&M. A portrayal on the Goodreads site calls the books' champion, Miranda, “a free-spirited celebrity ghost-writer who gets swept up into a dark world of passion and glamor when she meets notorious billionaire Robert Hartwell, an irresistible dominant older man.”

On the off chance that anybody ponders whom Miranda was based on, Leigh had apparition composed books with Shirley Jones and Madonna's sibling Christopher Ciccone.

One friend said of Leigh, "She knew a great deal of powerful people. She knew their secrets."

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