June 10, 2016

Traditional Muslim funeral service held for Muhammad Ali

Ali's Casket arrives at Freedom Hall for his Jenzah. Credit: thestar.com
A large number of fans assembled at the Freedom Hall in Louisville, KY today for the prayer service of the late Muhammad Ali.

Ali who died a week ago at age 74, designed his memorial plans preceding his demise. It was his aims that his services occurred in the place where he grew up of Louisville and that it be open to all.

Among the thousands to go to the administration were Civil Rights Activist Jesse Jackson, boxing promoter Don King, and the leader of the Nation of Islam, Minister Louis Farrakhan.

Tomorrow Ali's funeral procession will go along the road named after him, Muhammad Ali Blvd. It is reported that Will Smith will be one of the pallbearers. It will pass his childhood home before heading to the Cave Hill Cemetery for a private burial.

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