June 1, 2016

Snuka found not mentally competent to stand trial

A Lehigh County, Pa. judge has ruled that wrestling star Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka is not mentally competent to stand trial. Snuka is accused of third-degree murder in association with the 1983 passing of his girlfriend Nancy Argentino. Be that as it may, the judge has postponed the trial uncertainly following a four-day competency hearing.

Snuka was arrested in September 2015 after an Allentown Morning Call investigation induced the Lehigh County district attorney's office to reopen the case. Argentino died after Snuka made an appearance at the Allentown (Pa.) Fairgrounds for the World Wrestling Federation (now WWE). He said he returned to his hotel room to find Argentino suffering from more than three dozen wounds caused, an autopsy determined, by blunt trauma from a stationary object.

Snuka pleaded not guilty to the charges, and his lawyers have proposed that years of blackouts and head injury in the ring have left him unfit for trial. Amid his competency hearing, Snuka, 73, said he was in his 80s. He didn't know it is 2016, and couldn't distinguish any of the current presidential hopefuls or recall his mom's name. His significant other, Carole Snuka, said that when he was captured, he thought he was made a beeline for an appearance for wrestling fans.

Judge Kelly L. Banach decided that Snuka did not have the intellectual capacities to stand trial, and had not been faking his dementia. "I don't trust he's faking it," Banach said. "No offense, yet I don't believe he's sufficiently brilliant to fake it."

Snuka had since a long time ago denied obligation regarding Argentino's passing, despite the fact that no other individual of interest ever developed for the situation. "Numerous frightful things have been composed about me harming Nancy and being in charge of her demise, however they are not valid," Snuka wrote in his personal history. "This has been difficult for me and hard on my family. Right up 'til the present time, I get terrible notes and dangers. It harms. I never hit Nancy or undermined her."

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