May 25, 2016

Canada Census 2016

By now you must have received a notice in the mail about the 2016 Census. You can order the package over the phone or complete it online, which I find is easier.

It is important to know that there are penalties for not completing the census.

"Anyone who refuses to complete the census could face a fine of up to $500 and/or three months in jail according to the statistics Act. If you don't make the deadline though, don't stress. Statistics Canada will be sending out reminder throughout May and June to household who have not yet completed the census." -

I was a bit discouraged by things I heard like the questionnaire being too long and time consuming, but when I received the final notice I felt the need to look into it. I have to say it was short and easy and definitely didn't take time at all.

All things considered, I'll advise that if you're still stalling you should get on it now because the sooner the better and trust me it takes little time to complete.

Read more about the 2016 census

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