May 26, 2016

AliExpress Global Blogger Challenge

Ali Express is the one stop shop for all things cheap and readily available. And now they have a contest for the 'rookie' and 'pro' bloggers of the world.

The Terms and condition are pretty straightforward and I'm considering taking part in the challenge myself. Not exactly sure how far I'll get in the challenge but I'm willing to give it a try anyway.

Learn more about the challenge here


  1. Hi! Just chanced upon your blog and this post~
    I somehow managed to make it all the way to the semi-finals!
    I think I made it to the finals in Paris as well but they'll announce the winners officially tomorrow~
    I think I'm the only Asian in the comp too lol


  2. Hi Freddy,

    Thanks for sharing this with how did it go? did u make it thru?
